The Mystery of Vivian Maier

A photograph is a secret about a secret; the more it tells you, the less you know. — Diane Arbus

It is such a wonder to discover people with great passion! And that is the very reason why I am enamored with Vivian Maier. The photographs she took during the second half of the twentieth century are nothing short of amazing. What makes her story and photographs carry more personality is the fact that most people who were close to her during her waking years knew nothing of her penchant for photography.

See, Vivian Maier worked as a caregiver, a nanny if you will, for most of her adult life. Idle times were spent leisurely walking the streets of New York and capturing photos, totally making her presence oblivious to others. Before her demise, she left over 100, 000 negatives plus a series of homemade documentaries and audio recordings. If that’s not passion then I don’t know what is. Check out the video above to find out how her work was discovered and click here to view her portfolios. Prepare to be awed.

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